In preparation for tomorrow’s Lewy Body post, I want to share with you a poem that was written by Norman McNamara who what diagnosed with Lewy Body (Bodies) Dementia at age 50. He is, in addition to the founder of the Purple Angel program, the author of the book, The Lewy Body Soldier.
Please do not Mock Us
Do not pity me because i have dementia,
Nor must you mock me because i have lived so long with it,
You would always choose to live well over not doing so, wouldn’t you ?
So why cant i do the same?
Thing is, i have no choice in the matter
I have no idea how i will be on a daily basis,
I cannot make plans for the future
The uncertainty of what the next day brings is unrelenting,
I dont know why i have lived so long with this illness
I dont know why i am still able to do what i do,
But i do the best i can do,, wouldn’t YOU ?
i am sure you would do the same,
My time with my family and friends is precious,
Yes the fear of not knowing hangs over me,
And yet, i carry on, best i can, brave face and all that,
Though I weep when my friends pass away,
Especially those who were diagnosed after me,
The guilt is all consuming and yet, and yet
Here i am, there are you, not that much we can do
Enjoy your lives in the knowledge you are special,
No need to mock me or others who live their lives under this dementia cloud,
We are no different than you, maybe just a little more grateful from day to day
Norrms McNamara
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