A TimeSlips story shared with permission.
A Sunny Day, History of a Man, Man is Not Alone.
Zero Henry Amos, is going for a walk through the gardens to church, then to the bank to deposit money. He is coming from a nursing home/home out in the county. It is a beautiful, sunny, bright summer Sunday in June. He enjoys walking. He is a little unstable, but independent and able to still go for these walks. He’s an outdoorsman. Overall Zero is a happy, cheerful man who doesn’t act old, but although he is having a good day is a little grumpy right now. He is 50, or 65, or 30. We can’t tell. He is wearing a black hat, gray cardigan, and navy pants.
He doesn’t see the butterfly behind him. He has walked past it so many times it doesn’t register with him that it is there. What a shame! The artist of the butterfly is unknown, but we can tell it was done by a professional, self-taught artist who loves to paint on walls. We wonder if the scale of this butterfly has something to tell us. It sure is beautiful with its yellow, red, blue, green, and purple colors. Sad the man no longer sees it. He lived a good life. Never went to jail. A Packer fan. A teacher at a local high school. He was at that one school his entire career teaching Science, History, and PhyEd. His hobbies include agriculture, hunting, and bowling. He loves Friday Fish and chicken. Did we mention he loves agriculture and he studied at Texas A&M? His whole family loves the outdoors. I wonder if he is thinking of them now. His wife is no longer living, but the rest of his family lives in town. His brothers and sisters. His 4 children. He is a good grandpa. For him, the family is the most important thing. I wonder if he would like a second wife.

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